Monday, May 9, 2011

7 Skin Care Tips for Glowing Skin in Summer

Summer is about baring skin and showing off the beautiful (fake) summer tan you have. But in order to look good baring that skin, you need to take some time to ready your skin and reverse the signs of neglect you showed your skin during fall, winter and spring.

Knock of each step on my skin care tips for glowing skin and you'll be ready to pull out your favorite summer dress in no time flat.

1. Exfoliate Your Body

It's so very important to exfoliate your skin. Your body sheds skin cells at an amazing rate every minute of every day. If you don't get rid of them, they'll just sitting on your skin making you look dull and dry. No matter how much lotion you use, you're never going to have glowing skin if you don't exfoliate. Grab a body scrub and hit the shower. Gently rub your exfoliator in circular movements on your entire body from the shoulders down (you'll want a facial exfoliator for your face and neck) and rinse clean. Continue to do this 2-3 times a week for year-round beautiful skin.

2. Shave the Right Way

I won't ask for a show of hands; you know who you are. In the winter, what is the point of keeping your legs religiously shaved daily when you know your legs will never see the light of day? Those lazy days of winter are over. Find a good razor that won't cause razor burn. I'm a fan of Gilette's Mach 3. (compare prices) When picking out a shaving cream, don't choose the $1.00 men's cream; a shaving lotion is much better for your skin as it will hydrate and help ward off nicks and cuts. In a pinch? Use your conditioner for a moisturizing shaving cream.

3. Hydrate your Body with a Summer-Scented Lotion

Find a summery lotion that you won't forget to put on. It's time to pack away your thick winter body butters for more light summery lotions. You don't have time to wait for your lotion to sink in, so look for something light fast absorbing. Gels and Purees are perfect fast absorbers. I personally love to break out the coconut or mango scented lotion for summer. Nothing spells summer more than a light refreshing fruity lotion. Make sure you apply right after you dry off from your shower. You need to seal in the moisture your body just soaked in.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cleansing Your Skin From Acne Bacteria

As acne is basically a skin condition connected with oil glands, no skin cleansing can clean out the pores. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't cleanse your skin. You should try to keep your skin clean, because it helps to reduce the bacteria count and may help to weaken the infection process, but washing your face too often may cause your extra problems.

As it's obvious that too often cleansing of your face may result in dry skin and it gets chapped and irritated. If your skin gets too dry, you will have to stop using medications, that could be used effectively to fight acne problem until your skin will return to more normal condition.

You have to be concious, that each acne medication has drying agents, which should not be used on the irritated and chapped skin, because that way instead of getting rid of acne, you will acquire more irritated skin, what can be painful experience.

Use plain soap and water to cleanse your skin no more than 3 times per day, unless you have very oily skin, if that's the matter you may wash your face even several times a day, and using astingents after washing - as it will not remove acne, it will keep your skin clean, it would be too easy to get rid of acne just by washing our faces. There are more things we have to follow to get rid of acne. You may think that by buying acne cleansing creams you will get rid of acne, but in reality they may make it worst by simply clogging the pores. It's not easy but it's important to follow some rules to get rid of acne.

If you have very oily skin and looking for products to cleanse your face, the main ingredient you are looking for is alcohol, many products contain other substances such as glycolic acid, fragrances, water, witch hazel and alcohol.. Don't use moisturizers and creams on oily skin, because they can give you not nice, greasy feel and look, use oil-free cosmetics. They are many products you can use to clean your skin from excess of oil, men and women with very oily skin, should pick up products created especially for oily skin type, as there are many products created for many skin types, including normal and dry skin - they may not be as strong as you wish.

Having combination skin you can use moisturizers in dry parts of your face and astringents in other parts, where skin is oily - it's common that your oily parts are in so called "T-Zone" - across the forehead and down the center of face to your chin.
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